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The charger you’re plugged into and the model of your electric car will determine how fast you can top up your battery.

Across the GRIDSERVE Electric Highway, we offer a range of EV chargers with different power outputs. We have split them into three categories:

Our High Power chargers deliver up to 350kW and are located at our Electric Super Hubs and Electric Forecourts®.

These units cater for both CCS and CHAdeMO connectors and while the CCS output is up to 350kW, CHAdeMO output is up to 100kW. Please also note that while some of the High Power chargers come fitted with two connectors, they’re not able to charge two cars simultaneously (read more about dual charging in our Medium Power dropdown).

All CCS and CHAdeMO connectors fitted to these units are tethered, meaning the cables are supplied.

Our Medium Power chargers can supply up to 90kW and can be found at our Electric Hubs, Braintree Electric Forecourt and Retail Electric Hubs across the network, catering to both CCS and CHAdeMO users. 

Most units are also able to support dual charging, which allows two vehicles to plug in and charge at the same time. However, dual charging does split the charger’s power in half between both connectors. 

What we refer to as our standalone Low Power AC chargers can be found across the GRIDSERVE Electric Highway, including some provision at our Electric Forecourts®. These are untethered so remember to bring your own cable.

Top tips: Charging speeds

Charging speeds may vary based on factors such as vehicle specification, state of charge, energy loss, grid connection, weather conditions and battery temperature.

Good to know: Finding our chargers

Our GRIDSERVE Electric Highway map helps you identify the EV charging station, the types of charger and connectors available at each of our locations.

Fastest charging electric cars

If you’re looking for the fastest charging electric cars, the best number to look at is the average charging power rather than just the max power. The closer the average is to the maximum, the smoother the curve and an indicator that the car can maintain higher power for longer – and for you that means a faster charge.

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